Susanne Matthews


Susanne Matthews

Susanne Matthews

Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Romantic Suspense, Paranormal Romance, Teen & Young Adult

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  • Member Since

    Jun 2017

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  • Born

    1 August

  • Profession

    retired teacher


Amazon bestselling author Susanne Matthews was born and raised in Cornwall, Ontario, Canada. A retired educator, Susanne spends her time writing and creating adventures for her readers. She loves the ins and outs of romance, and the complex journey it takes to get from the first word to the last period of a novel. As she writes, her characters take on a life of their own, and she shares their fears and agonies on the road to self-discovery and love.When she isn’t writing, she’s reading, or traveling to interesting places she can use as settings in her future books or as interesting entries for her blog, Living the Dream.

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